Friday, May 21, 2004

Two Things

First... tonight is camping night, and the weather doesn't look to co-operative. I think it's going to be a wet one. We're bringing lots of tarps and games though, so it'll still be a good time.
Second... my blog will be moving. I took Steve's comment to heart yesterday (see yesterday's post) and decided to host a blog on my own server. This means that I can easily have images and I can do all sorts of stuff that I can't do with a blogger account.
When I first set this blog up, I just meant to use it to see if this is something I'd be interested in, and it turns out that it is. Apparently some of you enjoy reading it too (or prefer reading it to... say, doing work?), so I'm going to kick it up a notch.
When the time comes to switch over, I'll post the link here and anyone who has me linked can update with new URL. I'm going to be doing some work on the format so it could be a week or two yet. In the meantime, I'll still post here.