Wednesday, May 12, 2004

May 12: The Day My Brain Broke
So I was up until 3am ironing shirts and watching 'Rounders' at home. The late night can easily be blamed on two cups of coffee around 10pm (to wash down Par's birthday cake), and is entirely my own fault. Here's what my fatigue did to me this morning...
So I pack up all my stuff for playing beach volleyball (as I will be every thursday for the early part of the summer), and as a result, I'm a little late meeting Jen in our courtyard to walk to the subway. When I get there, I'm complaining about not wanting to play volleyball and she gets this confused look on her face... you see, today is wednesday, not thursday. Brilliant. I'll be well rested for volleyball tomorrow then.
So we start walking, and I put my hand in my pocket... "Where's my TTC pass?", I think to myself. It must be in my apartment. So I wish Jen a good morning, and run up to my apartment (already late) and start looking around. It's nowhere. I'm getting frustrated and I put my hand in my other pocket... ah, yes. And then I'm running to the subway.
Seriously... what can happen next?