Friday, April 30, 2004

The first of May is fast approaching, and in any major city, that means one thing... it's moving day. I can only assume that years of Post Seconday education train us that the world moves in four month cycles, but eveyone seems to move on the first of May, and my friends are no exception.
Earlier this week, we moved Ryan down five floors in my building to the one bedroom apartment that will be his marriage home in a few months. And on saturday, The Par moves into 'The Bastard's Haven'. We've talked about changing the name, but since we're bastards, and it's our haven, it's just a little too appropriate.
What changes does this mean for the AchtungDavey? Probably less sleep since Par doesn't have a job yet and we'll stay up all night drinking Fiddy and playing PS2. It means the loss of one sweet entertainment centre, and the gain of another, no kitchen supplies WHATSOEVER (we're going to be using all my camping cooking stuff for a while), and it means that I have to buy a microwave... something I've never wanted to do. Which leads me to...
Dave's List of Things He's Never Wanted To Buy
1. A Fridge. Really, who wants to shop for a fridge?
2. China. No one wants China... no one uses China.
3. A Toilet. A good toilet is a great thing, but I don't want to shop around for one
4. A House. I want the house, I just don't want the hassle. (see below)
5. A Bed. It means I'm grown up... and I bought one just a few weeks ago. Damn.

Here's my little sidenote... most of these items are things I want, but just don't want the hassle of buying myself. This goes double for buying a house. No one has ever had a good experience buying a house. It's all about getting shafted, not getting everything you want, and having deadline after deadline broken. I'm just going to build my own house, with my own bare hands... and to anyone who's ever seen me build anything, you know that it ain't gonna be pretty.